Friday, January 11, 2008

Joe K

A lot of memories in regards to Campus McDonalds. My most vivid memories are when we were trying to get the thing open. The safe flying down the ramp while being delivered, hitting the just unpacked dress table, which flew up and put a hole in the ceiling. Trying to get that stupid Italian tile in the lobby clean so that we could open. The corporate field consultant leaving on a Friday, saying he would be back Sunday night, but there would be no way in hell we would have the store clean enough to open. Him having to eat his words because he had no idea how good our team was. Getting a call from the fire dept. after closing one night telling me the store was on fire, racing there to find out it was the bug fogger causing the "smoke".
I can honestly say that I have never had so much fun while be paid, and have never worked with such a quality group of people. Everyone who worked there was intelligent, motivated and had a great work ethic. The only trick was to get some of the motivation focused on McDonald's, and the managers were great at accomplishing that.
I miss the spades tournaments, especially with my partner, The GREATTT Scott, going mellow with the king and jack of spades. Always exciting.
Since leaving McDonald's, I have worked for America West Airlines, managing the Kansas City reservations center until it closed, and since then with ADT Security Services at their customer monitoring center here in Kansas City. We have about 900 employees and monitor security systems from coast to coast.
My wife, Donna, is an officer with Citibank, working in the collections department right across the interstate from where I work.
I have two daughters, Katie and Kelsey. Katie is a senior at MU, and will receive her degree in elementary education. She is currently interviewing for teaching positions in Colorado, where she has spent the last three summers working for either Young Life or a dude ranch.
Kelsey is a freshman at MU, also majoring in education, and plans on teaching math in high school. She is also involved in Young Life. She made noises about going to KU, even going so far as applying there. After I took away her car for a week, she decided maybe KU was a bad idea.
Maybe we could plan something for a weekend in June in Columbia, sort of like holding a wake, the commemorate the closing.
I will always remember the friends I made at Campus McDonalds.
Joe K

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